Best Boiler Maintenance Tips

You searched everywhere for the perfect heating engineer, finally found the perfect fit, got your boilers installed, and you are finally sitting at home with an eased mind. That’s great! Now that you are the proud owner of a new boiler, it is now time to take good care of your boiler so it serves you long and well. Here are some tips that will help elongate your boiler’s life, and in the long-term, will save you some money.

Get your boiler serviced every year

This is a crucial point that you should not ignore when maintaining your boiler. It is important for the safety and wellbeing of you and your family. A professional gas safe engineer can meticulously check the state of your boiler and avert any misfortunes before they happen. It is best to get your boilers serviced right before winter, when they will be used excessively.

Insulate your pipes

Insulating your pipes will reduce the risk of them seizing up when the temperatures drop. This will also reduce the risk of your pipes condensing and freezing up.  Pipe insulation can be found in hardware stores for an inexpensive price.

Look after your central heating

A central heating system that runs smoothly will reduce the chances of your boiler breaking down. It is important to bleed your radiators regularly in order to remove air trapped inside the radiators. You can learn this easy process through video tutorials.


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